How to Apply For UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship Programme 2020

UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship Programme 2020

UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering application form | How to Apply Online.


All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online for the UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship Programme 2020 (Fully Funded) before the application deadline.

The UNESCO application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline-closing date, and other opportunities updates are published here on for free.


UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship Programme 2020 (Fully Funded) Application Instruction.

  • The UNESCO application is totally free of charge
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
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Details of UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship.

With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow have placed at the disposal of certain Member States (see Annex I) thirty (30) fellowships of six (6) months duration each, in Poland, starting on 1 October 2020. The beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Science, Technology and Engineering.

How to Apply

The principles and conditions listed on this page refer to those generally applied to fellowships, study and travel grants administered by the Fellowships Section of UNESCO.


The Programme Sectors may apply other conditions and criteria that they deem more appropriate to programmes administered directly by them. These conditions are spelt out in each announcement of a fellowship programme.


Fellowships are not to be interpreted to mean attendance at conferences or seminars of short duration (i.e. one to two weeks). Exceptionally, it may be considered if a case can be made that such attendance is an integral part of the study to be undertaken or would make a direct or significant contribution to the outcome or future development of a project.

Recruitment of Candidates by the Member States

  • The selection of candidates devolves on the appropriate authorities of the Member States concerned.
  • All applications must be channelled through the National Commission for UNESCO of the candidate’s country and should be addressed to the Director-General.
  • The UNESCO Secretariat cannot consider individual applications. Such applications are returned to the applicants, who are advised to submit them to the competent national body, e.g., the National Commission for UNESCO in the case of requests falling within the framework of the Organization’s Regular Programme (including the Participation Programme).
  • Candidates for fellowships financed under operational projects carried out with extra-budgetary funds must be officially appointed to those projects by the national authorities responsible for the project’s coordination. Once again, National Commissions for UNESCO should be informed of these nominations by the local authorities.
  • Age of fellow: Fellowships are granted only to persons in good health who are not over 45 years of age. Exceptions may be considered when a case can be made. When the age limit is different from that mentioned above, it is specified in the criteria for application included in each announcement of a fellowship programme.
  • It is for each Member State to lay down the recruitment procedures that it considers appropriate. In this connection UNESCO recommends procedures in keeping with the principle of equality of access to education. Such procedures imply that the fellowship offer be made widely known among those concerned and competitive examinations organized if necessary. Any interested person may apply to the appropriate national authority – in some cases, the National Commission – which is alone empowered to submit the application to the UNESCO Secretariat if it deems fit.
  • Applicants who have exceptional merit, and who have demonstrated that they possess an outstanding potential to contribute to the social, cultural and/or economic development of their country are the primary targets of UNESCO fellowships.
  • Candidates are usually persons who have already begun their careers, or are at an advanced stage of their university education.
  • In the main, candidates are those pursuing post-graduate studies of short-term duration. UNESCO policy is to make short-term awards, often of 6 months or under, and definitely not exceeding a maximum of one academic year (i.e. nine months). Owing to the paucity of funds, awards to undergraduate students who may pursue studies in their own countries cannot be beneficiaries of UNESCO fellowships.
  • Priority attention is given to the following candidatures:

» Women;
» Youth;
» The disadvantaged;
» From the Least Developed Countries; and
» From Member States of Africa

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Engineering Fellowship Programme 2020

Application Deadline: 15 April 2020

However, if you have any Feeling regarding the UNESCO applicationPlease kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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