Karatina University KARU Joining Instructions 2023/2024 Intake

Karatina University KARU Joining Instruction 2023/2024 Intake – Download Pdf Joining Instructions Form of Karatina University KARU for the 2023/2024 academic year


Karatina University KARU Joining Instruction

The Karatina University KARU Government (KUCCPS) and Self Sponsored Students Joining Instruction Form have been released for Undergraduate, Postgraduate Diploma, Degree, Short Courses, and Certificate Porgamms for 2023/2024 academic year.


Karatina University KARU Joining Instructions are for various programs offered at the institution, it serves as a guide in the application process. All interested applicants are to read through carefully making sure that they fulfill the requirements before putting in an application.

Karatina University KARU Joining Instruction 2023/2024

Congratulations on being admitted to Karatina University KARU. Please download important admission documents which you will, fill, and bring with you at the time of reporting for studies.


Only admitted applicants are invited to download and fill these documents. Before downloading and filling the forms, please check if your name is on the admission list of Karatina University KARU. If not, then you should not download the forms.

Follow the link below to download Karatina University KARU joining instructions 2023/2024 in Portable Document Format (.PDF).

Note: You will, however, need a device that is capable of opening PDF files to download/access the printable/offline version of Karatina University KARU Joining Instruction to your Computer or Mobile Phone).

Access the official Karatina University KARU Joining Instructions through this URL 👉 https://www.karu.ac.ke/

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