Karatina University KARU Fee Structure 2023/2024 PDF Download

www.karu.ac.ke fee 2023/2024 | Approved Karatina University Fee Structure Pdf Download for Self Sponsored Students and Government Sponsored students for 2023/2024 academic year.


Karatina University Fee

The official Karatina University KARU Fees Structure to be paid by each KUCCPS, Diploma, Certificate, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Distance Learning, Short Course, and Masters programs student respectively for the 2023/2024 academic year has been released.


Details of Karatina University fees 2023/2024 breakdown, tuition schedule, fees booklet, examination fees, residential fees, fees statement, quotation fees, finance booklet, student fees, payment procedures, funding, banking details, and other fees charged for the 2023/2024 academic year are accessible here on Kenyapen.com.

Karatina University Fee Structure 2023/2024 PDF Download

The following policies and procedures are applicable to all students who officially register for programs at Karatina University KARU. The Institute reserves the right to change fees without prior notice. However, fee changes are subject to approval by the Governing Council and we will update it ASAP.

  1. A100_Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Science and Management
  2. A101_Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition
  3. A102_Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Extension and Education
  4. A103_Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Resource and Economics
  5. A104_ Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
  6. B100_Bachelor of Business Management
  7. B101_Bachelor of Tourism Management
  8. B102_Bachelor of Human Resource Management
  9. B103_Bachelor of Project Planning and Management
  10. B104_Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
  11. B105_ Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
  12. B106_Bachelor of Economics
  13. B107_Bachelor of Communications and Public Relations
  14. E100_Bachelor of Education (Arts)
  15. E100_Bachelor of Education (Arts)
  16. E100_Bachelor of Education Arts_Geography
  17. E101_Bachelor of Education (Science) (Agriculture Biology)
  18. E101_Bachelor of Education Science Biology and Phy_Che_Mat
  19. E101_Bachelor of Education Science_Phy_Che_Maths
  20. E101_Bachelor of Education (Science) (Agriculture Biology)
  21. E102_Bachelor of Education_Early Childhood
  22. E105_Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
  23. E106_Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration
  24. E107_Bachelor of Arts in Criminology Criminal Justice and Public Safety
  25. E108_Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
  26. E109_Bachelor of Arts in Geography
  27. E110_Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology
  28. N100_Bachelor of Science in Forestry
  29. N101_Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies
  30. N102_Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources
  31. N104_Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  32. P100_Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  33. P101_Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  34. P102_Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Computing
  35. P103_Bachelor of Science_Maths_Phy_Chem
  36. P104_Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
  37. P105_Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
  38. P106_Bachelor of Science with Education_Maths_Phy_Che_Comp
  39. P107_Bachelor of Science in Acturial Science
  40. P108_bachelor of Science in Information Science
  41. P109_Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  42. P109_GSSP Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  43. P110_GSSP Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management 1a.

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